Friday, May 8, 2015


Today I'm going to talk about....... GOD!!!!! Yay! I know that some people don't believe in God. But I'm telling you, God made you! He made me and you! If you don't believe me, then who made me and you? I don't want to force you to believe in God, I just want to tell some facts about him. You know a cool fact? God loves you sooooo much that even though you sin he still loves you! Yes that's true! If you want to know more about God, you should read the bible and go to church! This fact is very true, God's son, Jesus, died on the cross for our sins! Jesus didn't do anything wrong, people just thought he did wrong! It was really bad when Jesus died on the cross. But if Jesus didn't die on the cross, then we wouldn't be saved. Now that if we believe in Christ and do good things, and if we listen and obey him then we will go to heaven! But if we don't believe and we do wrong, well you don't go to heaven you go to the other one..... Which I don't want to talk about. In heaven you will enjoy life! It will almost be like living on earth but even better! There will be no sadness in heaven! Everybody is happy in heaven! But in the other place....... There is sadness, hurt, and crying! Nobody would want to go to the other place, but some people do! They go there because they don't believe in God. So, we should believe in God! But you don't have to if you don't want to. It is your choice to believe in God or not. But I am a Christian so I believe in God and I love him very much! Catholics do believe in God too. So, if you're a Catholic, then you might go to heaven because Catholics are almost the same thing as Christians! But you still have to do the right things if you go to heaven. The most important thing is remember that.................
So, even if you sin God still loves you! I know I said that before but I just wanted to remind you... Always remember that God loves you. Thank you for listening to my message about God! God Bless You always! Always keep trying to believe in God!